


中国農村の高校でのサマープログラムでは、参加した大学生は高校生相手に授業をします。授業内容は完全に自由です。僕はHow to See this Worldという題名で、Yaleで学んだことを元にした授業をしました。授業と言っても、僕にはまだ教えられるほどの知識はなく、また中国語で知識を教えるのも大変なので、基本セミナー形式で生徒たちの意見を聞くことを重視しました。これにより、僕の準備の負担が減り、さらに中国農村の現状が知りたいという目的も達成されます。生徒たちがどのような考えを持っているか、簡単に紹介したいと思います。






北京での2ヶ月の語学学習プログラム終了後、新幹線で5時間くらいの農村地帯にある高校で開かれたサマースクールに、教える側として参加してきました。Building Bridgesというこのサマースクールは、今年で10年目で、毎年Yaleと中国の大学の団体が合同で中国の農村地帯に行って教えています。僕は一年生の春学期からYale内のBuilding Bridgesという学生団体の一幹部として所属していて、このサマースクールの準備を手伝っていました。また、ちょうどHBAの直後にあるということもあり、今回参加しました。個人的には、貧しく教育格差の影響を受けている生徒をYale生として助けたい!ではなく、北京という大都市に2ヶ月いて色々学ぶことができたので、中国の農村の現状についても学びたい!という目的でした。中国の都市部の発展は凄まじいが、農村部はまだまだで生活環境はかなり悪い、よくそう聞きます。実際はどうなのでしょうか。


HBA Week9 Epilogue

After HBA has finished, I participated in a summer camp called Building Bridges at a rural area of China. That one week was the great opportunity for me to realize how much my Chinese has improved during the HBA and how suited the HBA was for me to learn how to make friends in China.

Building Bridges is a 10-year-old program in which students of Yale and famous Chinese universities go to a school in rural areas of China and teach students there. Since all of the university and high school students except me were Chinese or Chinese American, I needed to use Chinese to communicate and teach most of the time.

I was surprised to find myself talking almost anything from daily conversation to anthropological discussion in Chinese without almost any problem. Using Chinese everyday every time for the past two months and taking classes on discussion of social problems in China at the HBA made me possible to discuss anything in Chinese. I not only had enough language skill to communicate in Chinese, but also enough knowledge about China to make friends. I think this improvement shows the great features of the HBA.

↓The school I went to participate in Building Bridges.

HBA Week8 Who is suited to join HBA

9 weeks of only studying Chinese in Beijing is pretty long. Some of my friends are already missing home and lives in their home countries. I think there are certain conditions for students to enjoy the environment here and make the most of HBA.

If you are only interested in studying Chinese language, or getting extra language credits, HBA is not the right choice. Getting a good grade at HBA is not difficult; you do not have to study much. This situation means that you have a lot of free time. If you do not have much interest in learning about Chinese culture and visiting various tourist sites, you'd be bored. You could go to bars everynight if you want, but what's the point of going to places where only foreigners go and drinking like American college students in Beijing?

If you haven't been in an environment in which you always have to use your second/third language, HBA could be a hard experience. I think most of the students often use English when teachers are not around now. Still, many are tired of using Chinese. I had a similar experience when I was at Yale with English, but there was almost no way I could use Japanese in my daily life. Thus, I have no problem with only using Chinese here (I often use Japanese to talk with other Japanese students though).

↓三里屯: Most of the students go to bars there. You can enjoy shopping in a daytime.